Flutter Navigator Route _RouteLifecycle

Route has a state machine.

The _RouteLifecycle enum in Flutter defines the various states a route can be in throughout its lifecycle within the navigator. These states can be broadly categorized into three groups:

Routes that are Present

Routes that are not Present

Routes in Transition or Removed

This enum is crucial for managing the lifecycle of routes in the navigator, from their creation and active use to their eventual removal and disposal.

The soruce code comment as below:

// The _RouteLifecycle state machine (only goes down):
//                    [creation of a _RouteEntry]
//                                 |
//                                 +
//                                 |\
//                                 | \
//                                 | staging
//                                 | /
//                                 |/
//                    +-+----------+--+-------+
//                   /  |             |       |
//                  /   |             |       |
//                 /    |             |       |
//                /     |             |       |
//               /      |             |       |
//      pushReplace   push*         add*   replace*
//               \       |            |       |
//                \      |            |      /
//                 +--pushing#      adding  /
//                          \        /     /
//                           \      /     /
//                           idle--+-----+
//                           /  \
//                          /    +------+
//                         /     |      |
//                        /      |  complete*
//                        |      |    /
//                       pop*  remove*
//                        /        \
//                       /       removing#
//                     popping#       |
//                      |             |
//                   [finalizeRoute]  |
//                              \     |
//                              dispose*
//                                 |
//                                 |
//                              disposed
//                                 |
//                                 |
//                  [_RouteEntry garbage collected]
//                          (terminal state)
// * These states are transient; as soon as _flushHistoryUpdates is run the
//   route entry will exit that state.
// # These states await futures or other events, then transition automatically.


本文链接:Flutter Navigator Route _RouteLifecycle

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